weekend recap, in photos

I’m being lazy and only posting pictures because I don’t have much time to write anything, since my dad seems to want to use my laptop all. the. time. (What is he doing online for hours on end, you ask? Mostly he’s shopping for golf clubs on eBay. No, I don’t get it either.) Anyway, here they are.

all of us on the train at the Life & Science Museum

Pop-Pop carrying Catie

Catie IS the Potty Princess

my favorite swimming pic

Catie & Tracy during the intermission

Catie during Thomas Live
(This one is dark because it was taken at the Thomas & Friends Live show this past Saturday, and I couldn’t use my flash in the theater. But I love this picture because it basically sums up how she looked for the entire show.)

Chris & Catie

Cat, Austin & my mom

girls climbing all over Tony

Catie & Elizabeth hugging

Catie & Tracy chilling out, watching Wonder Pets

Chris, me, Catie & Mimi

Catie & Pop-Pop on the merry-go-round

The whole Flickr set is here. My brother and sister went back to their respective homes today (my brother to Charlotte, my sister to NYC). Dave gets back on Tuesday night, and my parents leave on Wednesday. We’re having fun, but we miss Dave a lot, and these trips always make me wish that my family lived closer. But I’m enjoying them while they’re here.

Now, if I could just get Catie to sleep. As I type this, it’s 10:30 p.m. and she’s showing no signs whatsoever of slowing down. I know it’s just too much for her brain to process with all the visitors and the absence of Daddy and everything, but yeesh. I’m exhausted.

Raleigh March for Babies

The March for Babies here in Raleigh was today. We had a pretty big team marching for Maddie.

Marching for Maddie
From left to right, that’s: me, Catie, Dave, my sister Tracy, (sitting) baby Austin, my cousin Cat, Elizabeth (in the stroller), Tony, and Megan. We’d never met Megan before today (if you’re reading this, hi Megan!), but she was super fun and a very good sport about us lagging behind with our slow toddlers and general foolishness. (We really are sort of a goofy bunch when you get us all together.)

purple manicure
That’s right, I painted my nails purple for Maddie. And I felt the need to document it with photographic evidence, since it happens so very rarely.

Tracy & Catie on the March for Babies

The walk was good. It was a little hot, but not as brutal as the weather forecast predicted. Also, no thunderstorms – that was the other thing on the forecast that had us worried. We felt a few random drops of rain here and there, but not even enough to call it a drizzle.

I told Elizabeth to smile

The kids had the most fun after the walk. There was a DJ playing all sorts of dance music at the finish line, so the kids (who had either ridden in strollers or been carried for the entire walk) needed a chance to burn off some energy.

my girl makes a run for the DJ booth
I got Catie the smallest Maddie t-shirt I could get, and I still had to knot it in the back so it wouldn’t look like a dress on her. The part that broke my heart was that when Catie saw the shirt this morning, she pointed at it and said, “Maddie!” She knows her face from being on my lap so many times when I’ve read Heather’s blog. I almost cried then, but I just said, “Yeah, baby, that’s Maddie.”

Throughout the day, she kept pointing at her own shirt, or mine or Dave’s, and screaming “Maddie! Purple!” Yeah, sweetie. You got it.

after the finish line

Elizabeth in her purple ballerina dress

After a while the toddler energy was contagious, and we all had to dance too.
Catie on Tracy's shoulders

Dave, Catie & me

And we had to snuggle on some babies.
Austin & his mommy

There was one guy who came over to us to ask about Maddie’s story, because he read her dates on our t-shirts. I told him, and he told us that he has 2 daughters, both of whom were born around 26 weeks. One of his daughters is now 8 years old and the other is about to turn 13. He thanks the March of Dimes for them being here and healthy today. Talking to him for just a couple of minutes was really moving.

Oh, and I believe that when you factor in the almost $200 that my cousin raised through bake sales at her office, our team raised a combined total of almost $1,000 for the March of Dimes. So that’s a pretty great day right there.