I feel it’s time for a little bloggy makeover. Stay tuned…
Edited to add: Ok, it’s a bit boring, but I think I like the simplicity. And I need to go to bed. Maybe I’ll re-think it tomorrow. Any opinions in the meantime are welcome.
I feel it’s time for a little bloggy makeover. Stay tuned…
Edited to add: Ok, it’s a bit boring, but I think I like the simplicity. And I need to go to bed. Maybe I’ll re-think it tomorrow. Any opinions in the meantime are welcome.
Winner. I like the leaves. I like the margins. I like the colors. I like the Favorite Picture feature, too.
You left your DH off this one. Last time you had your “dashing English husband” included. He will be bummed. Nice pic with c-baby!
Yeah, I changed the tag line because he’s written all of maybe 3 posts on this blog, so I don’t think he gets “co-author” status anymore. 🙂