my sister’s wedding

My sister Tracy’s wedding was in Texas this past Saturday, and I have to admit that even for a bitter divorced lady like myself, that it was a really beautiful wedding.

Now, excuse me while I inundate you with pictures.

The kids did really well on the flight out. In fact, aside from a couple of diaper disasters (which I had prepared for – I have a rule that every traveler must have at least one full change of clothes in their carry-on, and those who aren’t potty trained need multiple sets), it went about as smoothly as one could hope.

My favorite part of the trip: when Lucy slept on the plane.
Although I admit this was my favorite part of the flight.

Actually, one random moment on the way there: we had a connection in Atlanta, and I was walking up to our gate, I saw this girl and she and I kept staring at each other, doing double- and triple-takes. Finally, I said, “I think you’re my cousin!” She said, “YES I AM!” It was my cousin Cici. Who I haven’t seen each other since… oh… my wedding back in 2005. Kind of hilarious to run into her in the airport of all places. (She was on her way to the same wedding as us.)

We got in on Thursday afternoon, and within a few hours, Lucy randomly barfed twice. Once at our rental house, and later when we were at my aunt & uncle’s house. I prayed that it was just a delayed reaction to motion sickness, and apparently that’s what it was, because she never got a fever and she seemed fine the rest of the time we were there. *whew*

On Friday, we had a brunch for the bridal party (during which I took no pictures because I was too busy wrangling my kids). Later, we drove out to the wedding venue for the rehearsal.

Dad & Tracy at the rehearsal
Practice aisle walk.

Catie got upset & pouty during the rehearsal & needed a hug from aunt Tracy

Tracy had said that, for the flower girls and ring bearers, there would be prizes at their seats after they walked down the aisle, and Catie had a little meltdown because she thought it meant she wouldn’t get any prizes. Tracy hugged her, and we all assured her that all she had to do was wear the dress and smile pretty in the pictures, she didn’t actually have to do the aisle walk if she didn’t want to do it.

Lucy snuggling with Chris (aka The Guy)

I admit that I totally melt every time I see how amazing Chris is with my kids. Lucy absolutely adores him. I love this picture.

On Friday evening, Greis arrived from Houston. YAY!

Me & Greis

Tracy and Everett rented out a BBQ restaurant to have a “welcome reception” for their out-of-town guests, and it was a lot of fun to see people that I haven’t seen in years.

Butchee & Collier girls

The Colliers lived next door to us when we were growing up. I honestly cannot remember the last time the four of us girls were in the same place at the same time. It was so fun catching up with them. (Wish their mom & brother had come too, but you know, I’ll take what I can get.)

On Saturday morning, Catie said, “I think I might walk down the aisle after all. But I’m not making any promises.” That was the first time she’d given even the slightest hint that she might do it since the whole engagement/wedding was announced over a year ago, so I didn’t want to get too excited and scare her off the idea. I just said, “Ok, I would love it if you would walk down the aisle with me, but just so you know, it’ll be ok if you don’t, too. It’s your choice.”

We headed down to the wedding venue to get our hair and make-up done for the wedding. I have to say that with a full up-do, 10 pounds of hair spray, airbrushed make-up, and false eyelashes? I felt pretty dang fancy.

I'm wearing 10 pounds of hair spray, airbrushed make-up, & false eyelashes. I feel fancy.

And Catie, my little tomboy, actually sat still and let someone style her hair.

Catie was excited about getting her hair done...

It looked so pretty.

Catie's pretty hair

I don’t have any pictures of Lucy’s hair because she didn’t really have enough to do much of anything with it. We pulled it back into a half-ponytail, stuck in some sparkly bobby pins – which fell out long before the wedding started – and sprayed the crap out of her poor little head to try to hold it all in place.

But seriously. YOU GUYS.

Catie, my flower girl

Pop-Pop & Lucy before the wedding

And then there was me and Catie with all of the other bridesmaids.

Bridesmaid & 1 flower girl

And the kicker: Catie and Lucy both walked down the aisle with me. I held my bouquet in my left hand while Catie held onto my elbow, and I held Lucy’s hand with my right, and we walked together. They were both champs. (And their prizes – the flower girls & ring bearers had little Star Wars Angry Birds plush dolls waiting for them at their seats. It kept them quiet through the whole ceremony. My sister = GENIUS.)

I realized that I was so busy being in the wedding that I didn’t get any pictures of my sister and how beautiful she looked in her dress, so I just stole this one from one of their Facebook friends.


Amazing, right?

Then there was the reception, which was really great because I got to see and talk to all kinds of people who I haven’t seen in forever. And continuing my sister’s genius streak: the kids (2 flower girls & 2 ring bearers), since they were the only kids there, each had a little gift bag at their seats with coloring/activity books, crayons, matchbox cars, plastic dinosaurs, etc. It kept them quiet and happy while everyone ate and socialized.

And the one part of the wedding that I was dreading: my speech. Greis filmed it and texted it to me later. The lighting is terrible – you can only see me when there’s a camera flash – but if you want to hear how I sounded, there you go.

Tracy & Everett’s wedding toast

For the record, that nervous laugh at the beginning is when I completely forgot what I was going to say. I also realized that I talked way too fast and said “like” and “umm” way too much. But you know, I got through it, and I didn’t die or have a panic attack, so I’m going to chalk that up as a win.

We flew home on Sunday, and it was – again – a pretty uneventful flight, thankfully.

I’m just so, so happy for my sister, and my new brother-in-law. Which is kind of nice to know: that as turned off as I am by the concept of marriage for myself, I can still get giddily excited for other people.

So, hey, maybe I’m not such a bitter old divorcee after all.

3 thoughts on “my sister’s wedding

  1. I am so glad I was able to make it out to Austin and be your second date. It was so great to see you, the girls, the family and to finally meet the guy (Who, BTW, I absolutely adore! So happy for you!!)

    Tracy looked stunning and beautiful, the wedding was amazing and I had so much FUN!!

    Must come see you all again soon!!
    Greis´s last blog post ..Love Hurts…My Profile

  2. Catie looked beautiful and so grown-up! Lucy so adorable! You were stunning. I loved Tracys dress. This was beautiful. I’m so glad everything turned out so beautiful!

  3. So beautiful!!!! I am glad it all turned out. Your little ladies are growing up so nicely. You must be so proud!

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