Wordless Wednesday: living room edition

Note: My parents shipped a bunch of stuff to me, and it arrived in a pod yesterday. It included my great-grandmother’s piano. I admit, I cried a tiny bit when I opened it and played a few notes. It also inspired me to clean up the damn living room already.

checking out the new "pian-yo"

elephant takes a turn playing the "pian-yo"

Catie playing piano with Daddy

love their hands

playing with a pig figurine

running toward me

Catie in pink

4 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: living room edition

  1. Oh how cool. They shipped you a piano in a pod? Awesome.

    I played from 5 – 13 years old. Am wishing I could start again.

  2. Catie just makes me grin. I love wordless Wednesdays.

    My cousin made me a quilt out of my gram’s shirts. I love it. Before my gram died she and her sister had driven cross country twice. Each place she stopped at she bought a t-shirt. So I have those in the quilt. It makes me feel good to wrap up in them. I feel really calm, almost like she’s hugging me. I really miss her. So I can understand your feelings over the piano.

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