She's here!

Catherine Renee Wilkinson arrived at 3:51 p.m. on January 27, 2007. She’s a teeny-tiny little thing, weighing in at only 5 pounds, 14 ounces; and she’s 19 inches long.

More photos to come soon, as I’m understandably a bit distracted. In the meantime, the set so far is here.

13 thoughts on “She's here!


    Oh, she’s beautiful. And I love that her name is spelled right (with a ‘C’).

    And I can’t believe you are blogging so soon after having her! Get some rest!

  2. I already emailed you, but I’ll say it here, too. She is simply gorgeous. Definitely a blonde. In a good way.

    If you felt like putting a little bitty video on youtube of her, crying or sleeping or whatever, I’d love it. If you’re too busy staring into the whirling baby vortex to do that, that’s fine, too. I know how hypnotic a sweet new baby can be.

    My parents are on the road without internet access right now, and my mom is DYING to see the pictures.

    Of course, I love her name. Spelled right. :-))

  3. Awww, congratulations to all of you. 12 hours on a first baby! Wow, you did great! You look great too, dammit LOL

    Seriously, she’s beautiful – thanks for sharing her with us!

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