I don’t know why it has been impossible for me to clean my apartment this week. Maybe it’s because I feel like I’m coming down with a cold. Or maybe I’m just lazy. But it’s bugging me, I have several loads of (clean, mind you) laundry that’s sitting on the floor waiting to be put away. Ah well, maybe this weekend.
Speaking of which, I’m very excited that Nate & I will be having Drunk Movie Night tomorrow. A couple of mediocre flicks & a bottle of Orange Stoli, what else does a girl need on a Friday night? I am soooooooo looking forward to that after the week that I’ve had.
And now, a few funny images which I am presenting for your general amusement….
First, this one seemed particularly appropriate since Scott & I had a conversation about cigarette butts on sidewalks the other day.
This is the kind of parent I hope to be someday: Better Than Time Out
I really hope this is a joke, or maybe this guy’s family really understood his weird sense of humor. I don’t know, I just have this funny feeling that someone’s going to hell for that….
And my personal favorite – he does what???
That is all. Goodnight, folks.