To follow up on that last post, I have now set the girls up with a shared bedroom.
Oooh, wait! Funny side story about that: Dave was going to help me move furniture around last weekend, since he was in town. Then Friday night rolled around, and I had a date. Yay for me, right? This guy asked me out to dinner, and I think it’s important to note here that we had gone out once before, and he was still texting me daily, so it’s obviously not like he was completely repulsed by me.
So, we go out to dinner at this really fantastic sushi place, and the waiter is really prompt about refilling my Diet Coke, which is keeping me happy. We had met for dinner at 6:00, and then we finish eating, and I’m like, “So, want to go see a movie or grab a drink or something?” And he was like, “Nah, I’m really tired, I think I just want to go home and go to bed.” He walked me to my car and gave me a hug, and THAT, my friends, was very clearly the end of the date. It was over by 7:15 p.m. On a Friday night.
That’s weird, right? It’s weird. Oh, and then he continued to text me afterward. I swear, I do not understand dudes.
(Also: total waste of both mascara and leg-shaving.)
After the Comically Short Date, I went home and I was thinking that I might watch a movie or something, but I was ridiculously hyped up because I had consumed something like a MILLION Diet Cokes while we were at the restaurant. So, I decided to rearrange all of the furniture by myself. On a Friday night.
(Pro tip: Don’t ever try to move a queen-size bed by yourself, unless you happen to really enjoy any excuse to take muscle relaxers.)
So, the way I did this (for like the 3 people who read this who know what the inside of my house looks like):
* Lucy’s old room is now the guest room. (Which makes sense, because it’s right next to the hall bathroom, so really, it’s friendlier accommodations for my guests.)
* Catie’s old room is now her “office”/playroom. (I got a desk for $30 on craigslist and set her up with all of her art supplies up there. She LOVES it. And it keeps her crayons off of my kitchen table, so I love it too.)
* The former guest room is now the girls’ combined bedroom. I ordered a whole mess of vinyl wall decals, because it lets the kids personalize the room without damaging the walls or making me worry about my security deposit.
Catie chose the design aesthetic. It’s a combination of flowering trees, butterflies… and jungle animals. Because why not, that’s why.
My mom saw it and said, “I love it. I mean, it’s completely insane, but it’s perfect.” I think that about sums it up.
Catie’s side of the room:
(Yes, Catie is a little old for a guard rail, but she is what you might call an “active sleeper,” so trust me, it’s still necessary.)
You may also note that each kid has their own Dream Lite pillow pet on their bed. Bedtime is like a freaking Pink Floyd laser light show up in here.
Anyway, since Dave has been in town, we’ve only had a limited test run with this experiment, but so far, 2 of the 3 nights that they’ve spent in the new room, Lucy slept through the night and didn’t make a peep.
Hang on a second, I’m gonna need to say that again and bust out the all-caps.
Last night was the first night we’ve had a problem, and it was because Catie was snoring like a damn lumberjack and it kept waking Lucy up. I finally remembered to turn on the humidifier – partly to help with Catie’s snoring, but also because the white noise would drown out the sound so Lucy could sleep, and then they both slept fine for the rest of the night.
So, I am being VERY cautious because I don’t want to get overly excited here and jinx everything, but I think we maybe, possibly, kinda-sorta miiiiight have found a solution that’ll work for us.
Now, quick, throw some salt over your shoulder or knock on wood or light a candle or something.
P.S. Gratuitous pic of my kid because it makes me laugh.
Yeah. That face. I swear. She’s damn lucky she’s cute.
Oh, I hope it keeps working. Sleep, Lucy, sleep!
I love the butterflies! Butterflies are my favorite! I have some in my room too! Best decals ever!
My roommate has music notes all over her room. 🙂
I use the humidifier as white noise too. Works like a charm.
I really hope this works and I threw salt over my shoulder too.
Yay yay yay! Well, that makes sense, come to think of it. I moved Austin into Elizabeth’s room over a year ago and it solved both of their sleep issues. Makes bedtime way easier, too. That was smart that you put them into a new/different room.
So happy you’re getting more sleep! 🙂