I got an email from my attorney a few minutes ago that I am officially divorced.
It feels weird that I didn’t have to be there for it. I had all these little fantasies about how this would play out: I’d show up at the courthouse in a fancy dress and tiara, and write “Just Divorced” in soap on the back windshield of my car as I drove away.
But none of that was necessary. My attorney went to the courthouse for me, she handed the judge the decree, the judge signed it, and that’s that.
Pretty anti-climactic, no?
I had planned to meet up with Laura this evening to get pictures taken of me and the girls. A mini-celebration of our new little family unit, just the three of us. It felt appropriate.
Then Lucy crashed on her tricycle at daycare. The director told me she had “a little boo-boo under her eye.”
This picture doesn’t do it justice. Girlfriend has a full-on shiner now. I feel like I need to put a sign around her neck that says, “She’s just an accident-prone toddler, nobody is abusing her at home, I swear.”
And then Catie got sick with a cold. She’s had the sniffles for a while, but it got really bad last night. Bad enough that I let her stay home from school today, and she’s currently laying on the couch watching some random dinosaur cartoon on Netflix.
Honestly, it’s kind of nice to have her around.
This day feels so weird. I am happy that it’s done. I really, really am. This process was so ridiculously long and drawn out, I feel like a weight has been lifted knowing that it’s done.
It’s also a little surreal, and I think it might take a while for it to sink in that it’s finished.
But black eyes and sniffles and canceled plans notwithstanding, it’s a good day. It really is.
And P.S., a heartfelt f*** you to the state of North Carolina and their ridiculous mandatory waiting periods. This whole process was made so much more agonizingly painful than it needed to be. As much as I love everything else about this state, that’s really the only advice I have from this whole thing – don’t get divorced in North Carolina. Ever.
It feels weird to say congrats, but I still will. Congrats. I’m glad you are done with it.
Issa´s last blog post ..And then I asked for help
Yay!! Happy Divorce Day!! You and the girls deserve nothing but the BEST!!
Love you bunches and miss you tons!!
AmazingGreis´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday – Last Friday Night…
I’m so glad you feel lighter, more relieved, and happy about the future. Raising a glass to you tonight, for new chapters and fresh starts.
I’m glad this part is behind you. No more holding your breath.
TheAvasmommy´s last blog post ..Dear Mitt Romney, You Can Kiss My Ass
Is it not the worst, most impossible thing to try to get a divorce in NC? Goodness.
Sorry we won’t get to celebrate tonight by taking new family photos but they will happen. Definitely. Maybe these things are a sign to just take some time and focus on the girls today.
Congratulations? Not sure of the right words to say but didn’t want to say nothing.
Laura Case´s last blog post ..Giveaway winner… and thoughts on courage
I’m glad the weight has been lifted. It’s been such a long road for you and the girls. Moving on is GOOD. xo
pgoodness´s last blog post ..Forging on
Ever! Ever! Eeeeeeeh-VUR! Gah!
And Gah for sick C and blackeyed L.
But Yaaaaaaaaa———–aaaaaaaaaaaY DIVORCE! *shimmy*
I’m happy the weight has finally been lifted off your shoulders!
Congrats 🙂
happy divorce…is that appropriate? i am saying it is given what little i know.
as for N.C. and some of their crazy-ass laws…more than one time during the year i say a big ol’ F. U. to my lovely state…LOL
So glad this dreadful thing is behind you now! Here’s to lots of happiness and a very pretty portrait when the time is right.