pigtail cuteness

We interrupt your Saturday to bring you this unbelievable cuteness overload.

Catie in pigtails

My mom & sister managed to get Cate’s hair in pigtails back in July, but she hated it so much that it was really a three-person job, and I never had the nerve to try it by myself. Her hair has grown a lot since then, so I thought I’d try it today, and she didn’t freak out nearly as much as I expected. I think this might be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

Now I just have to get her bangs trimmed. They’re starting to hang into those beautiful blue eyes of hers, and I can’t have that.

2 thoughts on “pigtail cuteness

  1. I love those pigtails and the way they curl up. Sooooo sweet!

    Oh, and YAY early voting! I’m going on Monday.

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