My mom’s surgery went well. The doctor removed the three lymph nodes closest to the tumor and they all tested negative, which is great news. Not sure yet what the next steps will be as far as treatment, but so far so good. She was discharged from the hospital this morning, so she’s home and high on painkillers. Sounded like things were as normal as can be expected. Thanks, everyone, for your thoughts and prayers.
Just to make yesterday a little bit more stressful for me, my in-laws arrived from the UK, so I went on the Mandatory Cleaning Frenzy that I do every time we have houseguests. I don’t know why I do that – they’re here to see us, they don’t care about the state of the house, but you know, I have this Southern Hostess Gene and it makes me a teensy bit irrational sometimes.
Also, why is it that every time we have company, everything in the house starts falling apart? In the past 36 hours:
1. Cate’s closet door fell off (WTF? No idea how that happened)
2. Our septic tank alarm keeps going off because of all the rain we’ve had. Seems the tanks are getting flooded. Fabulous!
3. Our kitchen sink started to leak, which is the exact same thing that happened back in March when Alphagal and e-baby were here.
4. The faucet in our bathroom broke and we couldn’t turn the cold water off, so we had to shut off the valve under the sink.
Our plumber is here fixing the last two items on the list. We’ll get the closet door fixed later, and there isn’t really anything we can do about the septic tank until all this damn water starts to dry up. Oh, and our street is flooded again, just like it was last year, so we have to go on crazy-long detours to get anywhere.
I hate winter in the boonies. Oh well, at least we still have our electricity. (Quick, knock on some wood before that statement sends me to Jinx Hell.)
Oh Gawd. I was wondering if y’all were flooded. I just knocked on the doorjamb of my office for you. I hope the visit is going well. I’m very glad to hear that your mom’s surgery went well and she’s at home.
Just thinking about you and your mom. Hang in there.
Don’t forget #5:
Our new heat-pump broke 🙁
Jeez, will y’all just sell that place and move out here already?! 🙂
THANK YOU!! That’s exactly what I keep saying.