I tried to write something last week, but it appears that Blogger has been having problems. Hmm. Ok, the recap. My company’s Christmas party was on Wednesday night – it was at a bowling alley. Apparently our regional director is a bit of a bowling fanatic, which is why we seem to do this at most company functions. Kind of strange. After the last time I bowled with my co-workers and won the “Least Graceful Bowler” award, I decided to sit this one out. So Dave and I enjoyed our free drink tickets and mingled with a few of my co-workers. (The ones that I know, anyway.) Thursday night was Dave’s company Christmas party, which was quite a different scene. It was a sit-down dinner at a very posh seafood restaurant. Not quite the same vibe as the bowling alley. I had a lot more fun at Dave’s party. Plus, his company’s Redmond office is a lot smaller than mine, so he actually knew everyone there. (Unlike mine, where it was more like, “Umm, I think I met that guy once, but I can’t remember his name…”) And the food was a lot better.
The weekend was good, very relaxing. I can’t think of anything particularly notable that we did, except that yesterday we did some Christmas shopping. It appeared that Dave had no idea what to get me for Christmas, so I dragged him around Nordstrom’s and pointed out a hundred or so different things that I liked, so he can get one or two and know that I’ll be happy. I was all excited when I woke up this morning because I realized that I was done with all of my Christmas shopping, and then I realized that I forgot one person: myself. My mom sent me a check with which to buy my own Christmas presents, and I haven’t used it yet. We do this every year; she usually gets me one or two small surprise gifts, but as a general rule, she doesn’t try to pick out clothes for me because it always ends in disaster. (I’m not saying that my mom doesn’t have taste. It’s just that she doesn’t necessarily know what I like. At all.)
I’m in the process of changing and updating pictures, I know I’m long overdue. I’ve changed the name of the Newport Beach photos to just California 2004 because all of our vacation photos are in there now. I’ve also added the ones from the Humane Society Walk, and from Thanksgiving. (Actually, they’re all photos from the weekend before Thanksgiving. I haven’t gotten the actual Thanksgiving photos from my mom yet.)
Great blog Cindy (although I don't know you at all. In the slightest. Not even one little bit.), but I do know Dave, and as he last wrote his blog about 50 years ago, I fear that I can only find out about him by reading your blog! Can you plant your foot firmly against his derrier and tell him to "get his finger out" π Ta!
I do nag him about updating his blog on a pretty regular basis, but what can I do? He seems hell bent on only posting once a month (or less). Glad you like the blog. Feel free to continue to get all the Dave Dish here. π
Thanks Cindy. I will try and harass him by Messenger tonight if he's on (although being in England, I tend to have to wait until about 3 in the morning before Dave gets home for his "tea" at 7:00pm!).
OK, OK I get the message. I'm the worlds worst blog-updater-email-writer-er. Howyer doing Dave? Let's 'do lunch', virtually speaking of course… Chat later!
Wow! Great pictures! You n' Dave look fantastic π
I love those pics. Photogenic as ever, aren'tcha?I think my 'holiday padding' is coming along quite well… π
Holiday padding is good. Check out the url above..feel free to not or to link it to your/dave's/nobody's site….
Didn't you just tell me that you lost 5 pounds? Knock it off with that "holiday padding" stuff. It's a load of horse puckey.Thanks for the link Davis. I updated my links – and I finally alphabetized them all, which I've been needing to do for a while.
Davis (the boyfriend's friend)? Well, that works for me!Thanks again Cindy. No doubt one day you and Dave will come and visit over here and I can meet you (I'm not half as scary as I'm probably making myself out to be!)
Well, you know it could get confusing with 2 Dave's, so I thought it was important to clarify… We're talking about going to the UK next spring – basically as soon as Dave's visa will allow him to legally leave the country. π
Legally leaving isn't the problem. It's more kind of legally getting the hell back in that might be tricky. :)I'm not sure how DaveM really feels about being referred to as 'The Boyfriend's Friend' :).
Sigh. Fine.
CINDY- #5 of 54, from California 2004. I feel the need to shower after the way your admirer was gazing… actually, that was ogleing, not gazing.I love the Thanksgiving pictures.