Today feels like the official end of the holiday season. My sister is flying home this afternoon (her husband – and man, it still feels weird to call him that since they’ve only been married a little over a month – flew home yesterday because he had to be at work today). The kids are back at daycare today, and after a week off, they were both excited to go see their friends. And I’m back at work too, although apparently my work laptop has other ideas, because it’s been on the fritz all morning. Which is probably a sign for me to just can it and give up, but I’m trying to fix it.
I hurt my back last week, and I have no idea how. It could be from helping Dave move stuff, could be because I’m constantly hauling around a 30-pound toddler on my hip, could be because that same toddler climbs in bed with me every night and sleeps with her feet poking me in the ribs. But whatever the case, I’ve been hobbling around like an arthritic 90 year-old for the past few days, popping ibuprofen like M&Ms, and I feel terrible. I called around this morning and found an acupuncturist with an open appointment today, so I’m going to give it a try.
I have sort of mixed feelings about “alternative” medical treatments – my mom has a lot of chronic pain issues and she swears by acupuncture, it really helps her a lot. On the other hand, I saw a chiropractor for a shoulder injury earlier this year, and while it did help a lot, the injury flared up again as soon as I stopped going. And I don’t really want to have to go get adjustments twice a week, every week, for the rest of my life. So, I’m hoping that a couple of sessions with needles in my back will clear this up and I’ll be done. Maybe this acupuncturist can even fix this stupid shoulder thing that I’ve had for well over a year now. We’ll see.
Catie’s 7th birthday is a month from now, and I found out that the place where she wanted to have her birthday party (Pump It Up) is already booked the day I was planning to have her party, as are a few other places. It’s frustrating and I’m trying to call around to find her a fun party place.
This whole kids’ party thing is kind of a racket, but since she has a January birthday, having a backyard party isn’t an option, and I am not nearly zen enough to deal with having 8-10 kids in my house at one time. So, I’m a big fan of farming out the birthday party. I just have to figure out the location and how we’re going to manage it. And I didn’t realize that apparently I should’ve started figuring it out weeks ago.
One last holiday thing: New Year’s Eve, tomorrow night. I’m planning on taking the girls to First Night to see the early fireworks show. Downtown Raleigh has a countdown & fireworks at 7 p.m. for the little kids, so they can be home and in bed long before midnight. My brother and I took them last year, and it was a lot of fun, Catie talked about it for ages. I think it’ll be even better this year, since Lucy is old enough to understand what’s going on. (Last year, she was mostly just confused by all of it.)
Plus, my cousin and her kids are planning to meet up with us, which should make it even more fun for the girls, because they love getting to hang out with their cousins.
No reason for posting this picture, except that I love it.
My dad and Lucy. Those two have a really special little bond between the two of them. My brother-in-law got that picture on his phone, and I think it’s just perfect.
I need to do my end of the year meme. Maybe tomorrow. Right now I gotta go get some needles shoved in my back. Good times.
Oh, man, I hope that the acupuncture works. I have great luck with it, if nor nothing more than to chill the hell out.
Amanda´s last blog post ..The Weight is Over
Bowling with the gutter guards in? Chuck E. Cheese? Pool party at the Y? Indoor mini golf, or glow golf? Dave & Buster’s? Is there a party room at your zoo?
I know you’ll find something, I’m just tossing out things that have worked in the winter here.