good vibes needed (again)

Dave informed me yesterday that there has just been entirely too much discussion on my blog lately about our pets’, um, “by-products”. Which is funny, because a couple of weeks ago, he accused me of writing too much on here about babies, and told me that I sounded obsessive. (I’m so not obsessed with getting pregnant, but I can see how it might come off that way if all you know about me is what you read on my blog.) But I’ll bet none of y’all knew that I had my own in-house content editor, did you? Admit it, you’re jealous.

So in light of all that, I’m changing the subject to something entirely unrelated, but also happy:

Kris got an offer on her house today. I don’t know the details about it yet, I just got a short email that it “could be good.” If it goes through, she’ll close on May 12th. Which means she’ll have the money to:
1) Get her own place and move out of ours (not that I haven’t loved having her around, because I have, but I know it’s been hard on Dave since our house has basically been in Estrogen Overload since sometime in mid-February);
2) Move her two kitties up here (who are currently living at her mom’s house);
3) Move her furniture up; and
4) Be relieved of a three-bedroom, one-bathroom source of stress that’s been weighing on her for the past six years.

The only glitch at this point is that her house still has to pass termite inspection. So Internet, please-please-please keep your best “non-termite-infested, good real estate” vibes going for her. All of my fingers and toes are crossed already, but I need all the back-up I can get.

2 thoughts on “good vibes needed (again)

  1. Fingers & toes and arms and legs crossed.

    I hope it works out for her! Selling (and buying) is SO stressful!

    Best of luck!

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