I forgot to mention the completely overwhelmingly romantic weekend we had. (Can you tell I’m being a little sarcastic?) Saturday the 11th was the one year anniversary of the day that Dave and I got engaged. How did we celebrate, you ask? (Or, I assume you would ask, if you actually gave a flip?) Well, we had a contractor come to our house to give us an estimate on new siding. So we got to spend a couple of hours talking about vinyl versus fiber cement, and all of the mildew and rotting wood that currently exists on the outside of our home. Isn’t that sweet? For dinner, we had leftover pizza. Mmmm… Oh, the rapture of it all.
Then yesterday was the anniversary of the day I got my ring. I totally forgot that one until we were in the car driving to work this morning. As for Valentine’s Day itself, other than the festively pink-and-white M&M’s that I bought on sale at the supermarket last week, we haven’t done anything to mark that occasion either. In fact, I sort of forgot that was today too. I hope Dave hasn’t bought me anything because I totally forgot to get something for him. I told him last week that he was off the hook and didn’t have to get me any gifts. I really hope he listened.
I guess the moral of the story is that I don’t need a Hallmark-dictated holiday to tell my husband how much I love him, because I do that pretty regularly. (And vice versa.) This is pretty much the same as any other ol’ Tuesday, there’s just a lot more candy around. Which I fully support.
Oh .. nice try!! I expect to be festooned with gifts upon my return home thiz’evenin.
Um, hon? You drove today, remember? I have no car. So unless you want something out of the vending machine at work, I’m afraid you’re fresh out of luck.
Now, It is Wednesday.. and there is *considerably* less candy than there was yesterday.
God Bless you Mr. Hershey.