I feel like I need to try to sum up Christmas somehow, before the year is over. Only I’m not sure where to start. Be warned that I’m writing this under the influence of MANY over-the-counter cold medications. So. Just saying.
Dave’s been here for the past couple of weeks, and we had a pretty well planned-out agreement of how we’d divide up Christmas. I’d take the girls on Christmas Eve because that’s when we do most of the big stuff in my family (we go to church, have a big meal, etc.). And then after the Santa chaos died down on Christmas morning, I’d hand them off to Dave and they’d have a second Santa thing at his place and spend Christmas Day and night with him. Easy enough, right?
(cue foreboding…)
Last Friday (the 21st), while the kids were with Dave and I was happily in my PJs catching up on movies on my DVR, I started to notice that I felt a little weird. My throat felt scratchy. I shrugged it off as me being paranoid since one of the movies I had just watched was Contagion. Power of suggestion, whatever. I went to bed.
I woke up on Saturday and realized that no, I was really sick. Things got progressively worse.
Sunday, I ended up at a walk-in after-hours clinic.
Them: “Did you get a flu shot this year?”
Me: “Umm… I forgot. But I remembered get both of my kids theirs, so that kinda counts as me being a responsible adult, right?”
Them: “Yeah, not really. You have the flu. Go home and go to bed. Here, take this inhaler to help you breathe.”
The girls were with me on Sunday night, and I knew I was in over my head. My family stepped up and kept them at my parents’ house (since my brother and sister were also there to help). I quarantined myself to my house and tried to sleep it off.
Monday was Christmas Eve, and I spent most of the day sick and miserable. My family missed church services because of me, and my mom and sister made Christmas dinner (which is normally my thing). I also realized that our house was in no condition for any visits from Santa Claus. It was a mess, and there was no way I could get it ready in my current state. I told Catie (since Lucy doesn’t understand the Santa thing yet) that I had texted Santa and that he was going to bring her presents to her Mimi & Pop-Pop’s house instead of ours. I got them to bed at my parents’ house for the 2nd night in a row, barely managed to stay conscious long enough to set up the Santa layout at my parents’ house, then drove home and collapsed.
Christmas morning, I dragged myself out of bed before sunrise and got to my parents’ house at 6 a.m. so I’d be there when the girls woke up. They had a great time, and there are pictures of their beautiful happy faces, but they’re on my mom’s camera. I’ll get them someday. I basically lay on the couch having fever sweats while they opened their presents.
I barely managed to hand them off to Dave later on Christmas morning, then I immediately went to bed. Later that day, my fever spiked up to nearly 104, and I was… out of it. Somehow I called my mom, and she and my brother found me on the kitchen floor with my face pressed up against the refrigerator. Which in my head made sense, because my skin felt like it was on fire, and the fridge was cool. My brother picked me up and they got me to the car and off to the ER we went.
Oh, right, here’s the one picture I posted on Christmas Day. How unbelievably joyous, am I right?
Chest X-ray and bloodwork showed… yep. Really, really bad case of the flu. They loaded me up with fluids (because I was dehydrated) and pain meds (which I was incredibly grateful for, until the rebound headache kicked in), and then they sent me home.
Btw, if you can avoid going to the ER on Christmas Day? I highly recommend that you do so. It’s not a happy place to be.
All that to say… I’m kind of ok-ish now. The flu part (fever, aches, etc.), that’s all gone, but the cough got worse and turned into a sinus infection/bronchitis combo. And of course, I am now unable to say that I have bronchitis without thinking of Sweet Brown.
Ain’t nobody got time for dat, indeed.
I have to say, Dave has helped out a lot with the kids while I’ve been out of commission. And yeah, ok, he’s the dad, that’s what dads are supposed to do, but whatever. Credit where it’s due. They’ve had so much fun with him over the past couple of weeks, and for that, I am grateful.
And my family just… damn. I don’t even know how I’ll ever be able to thank them enough. I mean, because of their help, we managed to keep the girls’ lives as normal as possible through all of this, and they’re FINE. Better than fine. Catie decreed that it was the “Best! Christmas! Ever!” Which is funny since that’s exactly what she said last year. And they’ve thought that getting to have sleepovers at their grandparents’ house – with bonus aunt and uncles included – was just an awesome treat. So they’ve had a blast.
As for me, I’m waiting for these antibiotics to kick in aaaaaany minute now, and 2012 can just see itself on out the door, thankyouverymuch.
Oh wow. Hugs to you. I’ve been sick since 12/11 (seriously), so I empathize completely though you definitely had a worse time overall. I’m so glad the girls had a good Christmas and that everyone stepped up. Feel better and rest assured, I’ll be toasting the hell out of the end of 2012 with you next week.
KeAnne´s last blog post ..Christmas Eve and All is Well
So sorry you spent Christmas with the flu! A rough one over here too.
Sarah @ 2paws Designs´s last blog post ..Santa’s Magic Key
Feel better! Hoping it’s a better 2013 for everyone
I have been nagging Jon like a fool to get a flu shot this winter! I keep telling him it is particularly bad this year. So sorry you’ve been so sick. Just the image of you leaning on the fridge is so sad 🙁
Laura Case´s last blog post ..2012 in photos
OMG, I’m so sorry. The hospital is the worst-case scenario, and I’m sorry you had to go through that. If it’s any consolation at all, my FB friends who are coming down with the flu ALL had the shot and got it anyway. This makes me think that this year’s shot wasn’t even perfect for all that’s out there. Did they give you Tamiflu or was it too late? Anyway I hope you feel a lot better soon. You are indeed blessed and lucky to have family to help you out. But you know, I’m certain that if places were reversed, you’d do the same for them. Here’s to a much easier 2013.
I hope you’re feeling better. The 104 fever thing…man I will always wonder how kids do it so well. I was hallucinating when I had one a few months ago. It was not good.
Issa´s last blog post ..For 2013 I want…
I’m so sorry you were sick on Christmas! And I echo your thought: thank God for family (including Dave) who stepped up when you were out of commission.