I haven’t mentioned it here for fear of jinxing it, but my parents sold their house in Mississippi. It’s been on the market since the spring of 2010 (like, 6 months before I got pregnant with Lucy), so this has been a long time coming. If all goes according to plan, they’ll be closing on their house and moving to North Carolina on December 9th.
This means that before Christmas, both of my parents will be local. I can’t even tell you how excited I am about that.
And then, yesterday, I got an offer on our house. It’s kind of a low offer, so I countered back with what I thought was a reasonable amount, and I guess now I just have to wait and see if they’re willing to negotiate.
In their offer, they said they wanted to close on December 13th. So my parents and I would both be moving right around the same time. I may look for a rental house with a lease that starts on December 1st, just so I don’t have everything hit me in the same week.
So, cross your fingers. This could be really, really good for us.
Also, Catie has informed me that if we move before Christmas, I’ll have to write to Santa to make sure he knows where to bring her toys. I promised her that I’d take care of it.
Fingers crossed!!! So excited for your parents and for you!!
Yay for good news, you deserve it. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that everything works on the deal on your parents house and the one on yours.
That’s great news. I know your parents have been wanting to move for a long time. Hope everything works out on the offer on your house.
All great news – and definitely well deserved!
Awesome news! Fingers crossed and good luck your way!
Great news on both accoutns. Keeping my figners crossed for you – you deserve some good things happinging right now!
this is some very happy news!
and how fun the girls will have grandparents close by! that will do the girls AND the grandparents a world of good!
tell Miss Catie that Santa will find her no matter where she may be…because Santa is like that!
Yay for good news!! 🙂
Fingers and toes crossed for you!
Great, great news! I absolutely love that your girls will grow up in their grandparents’ warm embrace. I’ll cross my fingers that you can sell your house to these buyers.
I’m just so very happy for you to have some things going right for you.
Crossing my fingers!
So glad to hear! I’ll keep my fingers crossed and knock on some wood for ya!