We’re almost two weeks into this whole “life with two kids” gig, and so far it’s pretty great. Lucy is a really good baby, she usually only cries when she’s hungry or when we change her diaper. Which, to be fair, is pretty often. But still.
I’m not sure if it’s just because I’m medicated, or if it’s because this is my second baby, but things just feel so much easier this time around. Yes, I’m exhausted, and every time Lucy wakes up in the middle of the night (which is approximately every two to three hours), I have that feeling of “oh god, somebody find the baby’s snooze button, I can’t handle this right now.” But it’s fleeting. I get up, I feed her, change her, get her back to sleep. And we cope. It’s hard, sure, but it doesn’t feel unbearable like it did with Catie.
My mom has been here for the past week, and it’s been so great to have her here. She helps out with the baby, she cooks dinner, and she even convinced Catie to try holding Lucy, something I hadn’t been able to do.
Seriously, that picture just about makes my heart explode.
We will all be very bummed when Mimi flies home on Wednesday. But the good news is that she’ll be back in just a couple of weeks when Dave goes to the UK.
My mom is already sad about leaving too. (And incidentally, anyone looking to buy a house in Ridgeland, Mississippi? Because I really need my parents to sell their place so they can move here!)
Anyway, we’re hanging in there. Better than that, really. We’re doing pretty great.
Oh, and Lucy says “hi!”
Love all the pictures, but OMG that last picture is too die for!! So glad everything is going so great!! Can’t wait to see y’all, hopefully soon!! XOXO
Ok, that last picture about did me in.
Glad things are going so well for you all. Lucy is a total doll.
oh, my god. She is PRECIOUS.
We are going through the same thing here, with a three year old & a one week old! Girls are such fun 🙂 I love little Lucy’s hair in that last picture!!!
I just adore her already. I’m so glad that it’s going better this time around.
Oh, that last picture of Lucy is ADORABLE!! As is the one with Catie and Lucy. How funny that Catie hasn’t wanted to hold the baby. My niece, Haley was Catie’s age when her little sister Emily was born. Haley was the exact same way. She got all weird about holding the new baby. But, she totally came around after a couple months and became a great little helper. It must be a normal thing when the new baby comes along. It was hard on Haley not being the center of attention anymore, when she was so used to it for so long. But, within a few months, things became totally normal. The one thing Haley used to do for about a year (that kind of drove us nuts after a while), was every time anyone paid attention to Emily, Haley would get right in the middle of it and get all over Emily, so none of us could even look at Emily. I wonder if you will have the same thing. Lots of adjustments for the big sisters! 🙂 Glad all is going well!
Lucy is so smiley! I love it! I bet Catie is a big helper, she looks so proud at being a big sister. Mimi looks very content too. I hope they sell their house soon!