Knocked Up

So, sometime in late September, there was this.

And then today, there was this.

It looks like we’re having baby #2 sometime on or around May 31st, 2011. I’m a little over 12 weeks along. And based on the ultrasound today, the doctor said there’s about a 95% chance that we’re having another girl.

If you know how long Dave and I were trying to get pregnant (OVER. A. YEAR.), you know that obviously we’re both beyond thrilled. And we’re super-excited about having two girls, too.

It’s funny, after how horrible my first pregnancy was, I couldn’t imagine being excited about doing it all over again. And it’s true, I’m still not the glowing “Earth Mother” type. I’m much more likely to whine about heartburn or moan about how my clothes all suddenly stopped fitting about 5 minutes after I got a positive pregnancy test.

But at the same time? I’m so psyched. I absolutely cannot wait to meet this tiny person. If she is anything like her big sister, we are in gonna be in for SO MUCH FUN.

YAY FOR BABIES!! (And more on the nitty-gritty pregnancy details later!)

51 thoughts on “Knocked Up

    • @ally, I’m glad the timing of my conception worked out to your convenience! HA! (Totally kidding. Loved getting to booze it up with you too. Especially at the open bar with free drinks!)

  1. Congratulations!! So excited for y’all. You and Melanie are due around the same time. The 2nd one changes EVERYTHING!!!

    • @Allison, I know, I secretly emailed Melanie when I found out about hers and was like “Ok, not telling anyone about this yet, BUT…” I think we’re only a couple of weeks apart.

      And btw, I hope you mean it changes everything in a GOOD way! Don’t scare the pregnant lady!

  2. This is my first visit here since I just saw a tweet about your pregnancy but I just wanted to say Congratulations and hope your pregnancy goes well! Oh and I’m a new follower on twitter, @elainea

    And yes, YAY for new babies! Squee! 😀

  3. Hooray! Our due dates are like, five minutes apart. (By which I mean a week, during which I will deeply resent every day that you get to be no longer nine months pregnant before I do.)

    • @Amalah, If it would help, I’ll gladly detail exactly how miserably little sleep I’m getting during the first few days home with a newborn. It’d be like whining combined with a public service announcement. Awesome.

  4. You know we cannot wait to meet that little person either!! It will be so awesome having a new little cousin around to dance at drum circle!!!! Austin will teach her all kinds of ways to get into trouble while Elizabeth and Catie act too cool for school.

  5. I am so excited for you. Catie will love having a sister. I love having girls SO much. You will too. Our doctor gave us a 85% change it’s a girl guess at 12 weeks and he was right. I’m sure yours is too! SO EXCITED!
    becky´s last blog post ..Seize the dayMy Profile

    • @Hamlet’s Mistress, Yeah, that was sort of the reason for keeping it all on the down-low. (More details on that situation later!)

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