another video

My dad had requested some more baby videos, so I filmed this for him last night.

Cate loves her little stacking ring toy, and she can get them in the right order most of the time. This video also features a Special Guest Appearance from Beaumont, so if you have a thing for babies and pets (hi, Angie!), this is for you.

It’s funny, you’ll see him walk right in front of her and wait for her to sit up and pound on him. Which she always does. He loves it, and purrs like a maniac the whole time. Such a bizarre kitty. I have a theory that when she’s a little older and sleeping in a big-girl bed, Beaumont is probably going to be her sleeping companion. The two of them are totally buddies.

Side note: the audio is totally crap, because I filmed this with my regular camera instead of my camcorder. I think that’s probably my fault. I don’t know where the microphone is located on the camera, so it’s entirely likely that I had my finger over it the whole time.

4 thoughts on “another video

  1. Oh, MAN, that was cute. Kids and pets get me every! single! time!

    Cate’s gotten big, no? She’s a really interactive little person now. I mean, yes, I can see her getting bigger and standing on her own in photos, but the video makes it all the more apparent. Do you remember the entry you wrote, oh, probably in your eighth and ninth month of pregnancy, when one of the cats curled up against you and responded to her kicks in utero with purrs? Was that Beaumont? Or I could, like, go back into the archives and check myself.

    How’s your mom?

  2. Ha! Yes, Beaumont was the one who purred against my belly when I was pregnant – although whether his purrs made her kick or vice versa, I don’t know. I totally forgot that.

    Mom is good, thanks for asking. She’ll get a blog entry of her own in the near future.

  3. I LOVE the bit with the kitty. LOVE it! Cate definitely has the one-year-old look. She’s becoming all TODDLER-ish!

    Birthday soon!

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